Alle Antworten zu Ihrer Kontoverwaltung finden Sie hier.
Frage | Antwort |
Wie erstelle ich Regeln/Filter für meine eingehenden Emails? | Ein detaillierte Beschreibung finde Sie hier. |
Was ist eine Alias Adresse? | Eine Aliasadresse (oder ein Pseudonym, ein Spitzname usw.) wird am häufigsten zum Surfen, Chatten usw. im Internet verwendet, um Ihre wahre Identität zu verbergen oder eine Rolle wie zu definieren. An solche Aliase gesendete Nachrichten werden automatisch an die Mailbox weitergeleitet, zu der sie gehören, d.h. an die primäre Adresse. Eine Aliasadresse ist nicht ein separates Postfach. |
Wie erstelle ich eine Alias Adresse? | Melden Sie sich bei Swissmail in Ihrem Konto an und gehen Sie in die Kontoverwaltung. Im Menupunkt Konto / Alias-Adressen klicken Sie auf den plus ( + ) Knopf/Button. |
What is the difference between Alias and Sender-Addresses? | With a Standard or Professional Account, Alias addresses can be defined. These are additional email addresses, but belong to the same account and are freely selectable. Messages sent to such aliases will automatically be forwarded to the mailbox they belong to, i.e. to the primary address. With a Standard or Professional Account additional Sender addresses which do not belong to can be defined. You have to be the owner of those email addresses as they only are active when the owner confirms them (a confirmation link will be sent to the owner). The sender addresses can only be used as a sender. |
How do I define an "out of office", a “vacation” or other autoreplies? | Please go to our webMail app. Under Settings you can define Out of Office messages. |
Can I change my email address? | The email address itself cannot be changed. You can use alias addresses for having different email addresses. |
How do I cancel my account? | 30 days before the yearly fee is due an invoice is automatically sent to your email address. If the invoice isn't paid the account will automatically be deleted when the account expires. We still ask you to send us a request to delete your account. |
SMS / Fax
Question | Answer |
How can I use SMS/fax? | With a Professional Account you have the possibility to use text (SMS) or fax messages. Swissmail allows you to
Please note that you cannot receive any text (SMS) / fax message as an email. |
How much does it cost to send an SMS or a fax? | Please follow this link to see our forwarding charges. |
How can I add funds to my forwarding balance? | Please login to your account. Go to the Admin part of your account. Select your Abo. |
Charges for SMS/Fax services (Professional Account only)
Service/charges | CHF |
100 units | 25.00 |
Service | units |
1 SMS | 1.5 |
1 fax | 10 |
VAT for Swiss customers not included.
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